About us

about us About Us

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a process that helps us understand what people in Derbyshire need to be healthy and well. It looks at things like how people feel, the choices they make, where they live, and the challenges they face. By knowing all this, we can make better plans and decisions to support everyone’s health and happiness.

derbyshire population health approach The Derbyshire Population Health Approach

In Derbyshire our goal is to work together to ensure everyone in Derbyshire lives well and thrives. To support this goal, we adopt a Population Health Approach.

The Derbyshire Population Health Approach focuses on prevention, population health, evidence-informed practices, causes, and collaboration. It emphasises proactive measures to prevent health issues, tailors’ interventions to specific populations, incorporates evidence-informed practices, addresses underlying causes, and promotes collaboration for effective action.