Welcome to the Derbyshire Observatory


Director of Public Health Annual Report 2024

The Director of Public Health Annual Report 2024 focuses on tobacco smoking, the leading cause of preventable deaths in Derbyshire. The report highlights the need for renewed efforts to make the county smokefree by 2030, detailing the impact of smoking and outlining actions to reduce its harm.


Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-27

The Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out agreed priorities and joint action for partners to address the health and wellbeing needs of the local population, as identified by the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA). Derbyshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-27


Derbyshire Observatory site

We are currently redeveloping the Derbyshire Observatory website. Whilst this is taking place some of the data and analysis on the site might not be the latest available. If you have any queries or need any information please contact Research@derbyshire.gov.uk


Monthly Unemployment Statistics – October 2023

Unemployment figures are published each month by the Office for National Statistics. A selection of the latest figures as they relate to Derbyshire is presented on the Derbyshire Observatory. In October 2023 there were 13,250 people aged 16+ included on the Claimant Count. The Claimant Count unemployment rate across Derbyshire is higher than October 2022 … Continue reading “Monthly Unemployment Statistics – October 2023”


Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023

Directors of Public Health have a statutory requirement to write an annual independent report on the health of their population. This years focus is on mental health and wellbeing, building on the Let’s Chat campaign. The report recognises that, for many people, mental health is a key area of concern and we have included a … Continue reading “Director of Public Health Annual Report 2023”


Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 – 2025

The 2022-2025 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) has been produced for both Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council Health & Wellbeing Boards. The PNA is a statement of current pharmaceutical services provided in the local area. It assesses whether provision is satisfactory to meet the health, wellbeing and care needs of the local population, informs … Continue reading “Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 – 2025”


Derbyshire Economic Review – July 2022

The Derbyshire Economic Review – July 2022 document gives a brief overview of the latest statistics and news on the Derbyshire economy both in a national and local context.  


Census 2021 – First Release

  The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published the first results from the 2021 Census. Today’s results provide headline demographic information including population by gender, five-year age band and household estimates at local authority level and above. On census day Derbyshire’s population was 794,600, an increase of 3.2% since the last census in 2011 … Continue reading “Census 2021 – First Release”


Productivity 2019 – Infographic

The latest infographic on Productivity in Derbyshire shows that the county contributes £16.5bn to the UK economy and that productivity in Derbyshire has improved over the last five years.


Population estimates infographic 2020

The infographic – Derbyshire’s population – 2020 “What we know about Derbyshire’s population 2020” – is now available to view.

Quick Facts

Population: 803,464 (ONS 2022)
Area: 255,100 Hectares
House Price: £236,232 (Land Registry November 2022)
Local Businesses: 29,760 (IDBR 2020)
Employee Jobs: 293,000 (BRES 2019)
Weekly Earnings: £587 (ASHE 2021)
Unemployment: 2.7% (ONS October 2023)

Area Profiles
Link to Area Profiles

Link to Census
