Derbyshire’s estimated population of 803,464 people in 2022 is a 1.8% (14,584) increase since 2019. The latest ONS Population Projections (2018 based) predict that by 2043 the county’s population will increase to 896,100. 22% of people in the county were aged 65 and over in 2018, by 2043 this will increase to 27%.
In 2017 there were 347,200 households in Derbyshire, representing 17% of all households across the East Midlands. This number is expected to increase by 32,300 households or 9% by 2028, slightly higher than the estimated 8% increase across England.
Interactive Maps and Charts
- Population Estimates – Map
- Population Estimates – Pyramid
- Population Projections – Map
- Population Projections – Pyramid
- Births and Deaths – Map
- Household Estimates and Projections – Map
- Rural Urban District – Map
- Rural Urban Small Area Geographies – Map
Data Spreadsheets