A-Z of Health Topics
Below is a list of health topics available on Observatory:
- Adult lifestyles
- Adult Obesity
- Alcohol
- Autism
- Births
- Breastfeeding
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Child obesity
- Child vaccinations
- Children and young people
- Deaths
- Dementia
- Derbyshire populations
- Director of Public Health Annual Report
- Disease and Long Term Conditions
- Drug misuse
- Excess winter deaths
- Falls
- Health assessments (HEA, HIA, HNA)
- Health checks
- Health evidence
- Health Protection
- Life expectancy
- Liver disease
- Mental health
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)
- Physical activity
- Poverty
- Sexual health
- Smoking
- State of Derbyshire
- Suicides
- Teenage pregnancy
- Tobacco