The table below contains links to current documents on the Derbyshire Observatory. Please select a document from the list below, or enter a key word into the search function.

If you would like to see an earlier document please see the Document archive

Economy and EmploymentSpreadsheetDerbyshire unemployment spreadsheet -September 20232023
InfographicsMonthly unemployment infographic - September 20232023
InfographicsUniversal Credit for Derbyshire September 20232023
Economy and EmploymentSpreadsheetKey economic data by district - Snapshot at September 20232023
Economy and EmploymentEconomic evidenceDerbyshire Quarterly Economic Review - July 20222022
Economy and EmploymentSpreadsheetApprenticeship Data at District - 2016/17 to 2021/222022
InfographicsApprenticeships in Derbyshire - 2020/212022
InfographicsVisitor Economy 20202022
InfographicsBusiness Size and Sector 20212022
InfographicsEmployment 2020 (BRES)2022
InfographicsDerbyshire Equalities Profile 20212022
InfographicsAdult Skills Levels 20212022
InfographicsProductivity 20192021
InfographicsClimate change in Derbyshire 20212021
Electoral Division InformationDerbyshire Electorate Data pdf2021
Electoral Division InformationSpreadsheetDerbyshire Electorate Data 2020 spreadsheet2021
InfographicsWhat do we know about Derbyshire households 2020?2021
InfographicsBusiness Demography 20202021
InfographicsWhat do we know about life expectancy in Derbyshire in 2018?2020
InfographicsHomelessness in Derbyshire 20192020
InfographicsHow is Derbyshire's population projected to change over the next 25 years? (2018)2020
Customer SegmentationReportCustomer Segmentation Report Traffic Collisions (Age 60+ Drivers) 20162019
Economy and EmploymentEconomic evidenceDerbyshire LEA 20192019
Area ProfilesProfileArea Profiles for District2019
Area ProfilesProfileArea Profiles for Electoral Division2019
Area ProfilesProfileArea Profiles for Multi-Agency Teams2019
Area ProfilesQuiltDerbyshire Quilt 20182019
Area ProfilesQuiltDerbyshire Statistical Quilt 20182019
InfographicsHow are Derbyshire's households projected to change over the next 25 years? (2018)2018
Children and EducationReportChildren and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Derbyshire - November 2017 2018
Economy and EmploymentReportAnalysis of Commuter Patterns in Derbyshire 2011 2016
Economy and EmploymentSpreadsheet2011 Census Travel-To-Work-Flows 2016
CensusGlossary2011 Census Glossary of Terms2014
Census2001 Census Atlas2014
Census2011 Census Atlas2014
CensusBriefing note2011 Census Briefing Note - Population2013