Specialist Reports and Assessments

Specialist reports include Health Needs Assessments (HNA), Health Impact Assessments (HIA), Health Equity Audits (HEA) and Evidence Reviews. The interactive table below contains all recent assessments, reviews and reports. To locate a specific report enter a key word into the search function.

TitleDocument typeYearDescription
Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-27Report2024The Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out agreed priorities and joint action for partners to address the health and wellbeing needs of the local population
Breastfeeding in Derbyshire Infographic 2022/23Report2024An infographic summarising breastfeeding in Derbyshire.
ASCS 2022/23 Main Findings for DerbyshireReport2023Adult Social Care Survey in England 2022/23 Report summarises the findings for Derbyshire in comparison with similar local authorities, the East Midlands region and England. Full Report Infographic
Derbyshire Serious Violence Strategic Needs Assessment
Strategic Needs Assessment2023This Strategic Needs Assessment is the first in-depth analysis of serious violence within the County, providing context to the occurrence of serious violence, identifying populations and geographical hotspots, and describing the landscape of services, agencies and interventions available.
Ankyloglossia Hospital Episode Statistics Report Report2023Hospital outpatient attendances for the treatment of ankyloglossia (tongue-tie) for children under the age of one year living in Derby and Derbyshire.
Tobacco Control in Derbyshire: Health Needs Assessment - 2023 Update
Health Needs Assessment2023This health needs assessment aims to take a deep dive into tobacco control in Derbyshire.
A strategic needs assessment of the
mental health of Black people and
Deaf people in Derby and Derbyshire

Needs Assessment2023The information analysis and engagement in this needs assessment have
highlighted inequities in the way Black people and Deaf people access and
experience mental health care and support in Derby and Derbyshire.
Infographic for Relationships and Sex Education in Derbyshire 2023 (what are young people telling us?)

Infographic2023Infographic for Relationship and Sexual Health in Derbyshire ( what are young people telling us)
Heatwave Adaptation for Local Authorities
Evidence Map

Evidence Map2023The focus of this evidence map was to identify documents which either entirely, or in part, are
informative to Local Authorities for their management of heatwaves.
Health and Housing Impact Assessment 2023
Impact Assessment2023This Health Impact Assessment aimed to investigate the impact of poor quality, private sector housing on the health of residents in Derbyshire
DPH Annual Report 2023
report2023This years focus is on mental health and wellbeing, building on the Let’s Chat campaign. The report recognises that, for many people, mental health is a key area of concern and we have included a number of links and information about where people can find further help, advice and support.”
State of the Evidence - Falls Prevention
Report2023A report on the evidence available on falls prevention.
Position Statement: Falls and Falls Prevention Services in Derbyshire
Report2023This report provides an assessment of the need for falls prevention services across Derbyshire in the absence of definitive data on the number of people aged 65 and over, living in the community, who fall one or more times each year.
A summary of the My Life, My View survey 2022Evidence Summary2023A summary of the 2022 version of the 'My Life, My View' survey.
Vape use reported among non-smokers by children and young people in DerbyshireEvidence Summary2023A summary of vape (e-cigarette) use reported among non-smokers by children and young people in Derbyshire from the 2022 version of the 'My Life, My View' survey.
Breastfeeding Infographic 2021/2022 (PDF)Infographic2023An infographic summarising breastfeeding in Derbyshire.
Food Insecurity HNA
Health Needs Assessment2023A health needs assessment of food insecurity in Derbyshire. Full Report
DPH Annual Report 2022Report2022This year’s report focuses on what actions have been taken, and continue to be taken, to tackle health inequalities in Derbyshire.
ASCS 2021/22 Main Findings for DerbyshireReport2022Adult Social Care Survey in England 2021/22 Report summarises the findings for Derbyshire in comparison with similar local authorities, the East Midlands region and England. Full Report Infographic
SACE 2021/22 Main Findings for DerbyshireReport2022The Survey of Adult Carers in England 2021/22 Report summarises the findings for Derbyshire in comparison with similar local authorities, the East Midlands region and England. Full Report Infographic
Evidence Summary Food Insecurity InterventionsEvidence Summary2022An evidence summary of UK interventions to address food insecurity. Full Report
Community-based Drug and Alcohol Dependence Recovery Services - Narrative ReviewNarrative Review2022A narrative review of Community-based Drug and Alcohol Dependence Recovery Services. Full Report
A health equity audit of smoking cessation services provided by Live Life Better Derbyshire between April 2019 and March 2021HEA2022The aim of this Health Equity Audit (HEA) is to determine the equity of access to, and outcomes of, the Live Life Better Derbyshire (LLBD) smoking cessation service between April 2019 and March 2021. Full Report.
My Life, My View Report 2021Report2021This report summarises the My Life, My View, the Derbyshire emotional health and well-being survey. It provides insights into the experiences, behaviours and attitudes of young people as they move towards adulthood.
Children and Young People with Special
Educational Needs and Disabilities in
Health Needs Assessment2021This document forms part of Derbyshire’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment. It considers
the health, care and education needs of children and young people aged 0-25 years with
special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Derbyshire. It updates the previous
SEND Needs Assessment published in November 2017
My Life, My View Report 2020Report2020This report summarises the My Life, My View, the Derbyshire emotional health and well-being survey. It provides insight into the experiences, behaviours and attitudes of
young people as they move towards adulthood.
Adult Social Care User Survey Report 2018-19Report2019This report summarises the results for the Adult Social Care User Survey (ASCS) for 2018-19, including the ASCOFs - Report-Infographic
Cardiovascular Disease Health Needs AssessmentHealth Needs Assessment2019needs assessment looks at eight key cardiovascular or related conditions, their incidence or prevalence in Derbyshire, how they are managed in primary and/or secondary care and if there are any notable opportunities to improve the cardiovascular health of the people of Derbyshire.
Tobacco Control Health Needs AssessmentHealth Needs Assessment2019This summary highlights the key messages from a health needs assessment that has been developed to bring together data and evidence to inform the development and implementation of local tobacco control work.
Tobacco Control Health Needs Assessment- Slide deckHealth Needs Assessment Summary slide deck2019This slide deck highlights the key messages from a health needs assessment that has been developed to bring together data and evidence to inform the development and delivery of local tobacco control work.
Survey of Adult Carers (SACE) Report 2018report2019This report provides analysis of the Carers’ survey carried out by Derbyshire County Council in 2018.
The report is published for carers and social care staff.
Survey of Adult Carers (SACE) infographic 2018Infographic2019This infographic gives a summary of the Carers’ survey carried out by Derbyshire County Council in 2018.
The infographic is published for carers and social care staff.
Evidence map - Smoking Cessation Innovative Practice(pdf)Evidence Map2019This evidence map has been produced to inform commissioning intentions on a low cost smoking cessation intervention with the potential to increase 4 week quit rates within the smoking cessation service.
Older People's Housing, Accomodation and Support - A commissioning strategy for Derbyshire 2019-2035Report2019This is the updated commissioning strategy for housing, accommodation and support of older people in Derbyshire.
Care Homes - A Literature Review 2010Report2010This review aimed to identify if disease prevalence within care homes is higher than the general elderly population. > Full report
5G Health Impacts Evidence Summary 2019Evidence Summary2019This evidence summary has been produced to provide an overview of recent 5G technology guidelines and evidence related to the health. Plain English Summary-Evidence Summary
ASCS Report 2017-18Report2017-18This report summarises the results for the ASCS for 2017-18, including the ASCOFs - Report-Infographic
DPH Annual report 2018Report2018Director of Public Health Annual Report 2018: This report aims to raise awareness and understanding of local health issues, highlight areas of specific concern and make recommendations for change.
Carers in Derbyshire 2017Infographic2018This infographic gives a summary of the Carers’ survey carried out by Derbyshire County Council in 2017.
It is for carers and social care staff.
A Health Needs Assessment of offenders in the community- Derbyshire & Derby City 2018HNA2018This HNA focuses on identifying the health needs of community offenders in the areas covered by Derbyshire County Council and Derby City Council.
>Full report >Executive summary >Appendices
A literature review investigating the effectiveness of 'teachable moments' on positive health behaviour changeEvidence Review2018 In light of the barriers to MECC, this study aims to explore the concept of 'teachable moments' and identify its effectiveness of encouraging healthy lifestyle choices specifically in a primary care setting, in order to help inform MECC delivery. >Full report
Derby City and Derbyshire County Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018-2021Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment2018The 2018-2021 Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) has been produced for both Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council Health & Wellbeing Boards. The PNA is a statement of current pharmaceutical services provided in the local area. It assesses whether provision is satisfactory to meet the health, wellbeing and care needs of the local population, informs the planning of services and is used as the basis for determining market entry to a pharmaceutical list. > Full report
Falls Health Needs Assessment 2017HNA2017This report describes the findings of the Derby and Derbyshire falls needs assessment 2017. It focuses on the needs of older people aged 65 years or over who have fallen in their home, in the community, in residential or nursing care homes and in hospitals. >Full report
Update of the 2013 Rapid Health Impact Assessment of HS2 initial preferred route in Eastern DerbyshireHealth Impact Assessment2017 An update of community profiling, review of proposals and recommendations in response to the HS2 Realignment Phase 2b Eastern Leg. >Full report
Child Neglect - a review of the literatureEvidence Review2017This paper aims to review the evidence surrounding aspects of the recently developed DSCB Child Neglect strategy, including the recognising a neglected child, prevention of child neglect and effective interventions in child neglect. >Full report
Health inequalities in the East Midlands- An evidence reportReport2017This report has been developed for PHE East Midlands Centre as an evidence base on health inequalities for the East Midlands. The report reviews the inequalities in health across the East Midlands, expressed as inequalities in life expectancy.>Full report
Public Health Annual Report 2017 Report2017The Derbyshire Director of Public Health's annual report 2017. >Full report
Deaths from suicide and undetermined injury in Derby and Derbyshire 2017 reportReport2017This short report provides information on 2016 registered deaths from suicide and undetermined injury in people living in Derby and Derbyshire. >Full report
LGBT+ experiences of using health services Report2017This document was produced by Healthwatch Derbyshire. It summarises comments from the LGBT+ community regarding their experiences of general practice. >Full report
Derbyshire Self-Harm Hospital Admissions_10-24Years 2017 (pdf)Report2017This report investigates the scale and nature of hospital admissions as a result of self-harm amongst children and young people aged 10-24 years living in Derbyshire, via secondary analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics. >Full report
End of Life Care Needs AssessmentHNA2016This Health Needs Assessment has been written to inform these discussions within Derbyshire, and to identify the next steps that will build a more complete picture of local end of life care needs. >Full report
Derbyshire Housing Health Joint Needs AssessmentHNA2016 The County Council's public health team commissioned a housing and health joint needs assessment to know more about the scale and nature of the problems faced, and what action can be taken. The intention is for this assessment to informing local commissioning by all organisations and individuals who are in a position to identify a risk to health from the home, and to take action. >Full report
Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in DerbyshireHNA2016This report brings together a range of data and information about the number of children and young people in Derbyshire with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), their needs and how they are being supported to achieve their potential. A key recommendation of this report is that a more in-depth needs assessment should be undertaken. >Full report
Health Impact Assessment of the Avenue development HIA2016This report comprises a synthesis of evidence from community profiling, review of the literature and community consultation, with recommendations to a number of organisations for maximising health gains and mitigating negative health consequences of the Avenue Development in North East Derbyshire. >Full report
My Life, My View- Year 8 Infographic 2016 (pdf)Infographic2016 The aim of My Life, My View, the Derbyshire emotional health and well-being survey is to provide an insight into the experiences, behaviours and attitudes of young people as they move towards adulthood. Infographic
Derbyshire Health Protection Board- Air Quality Report Oct 2016Report2016This report provides an overview to the Health Protection Board of performance and trends in the key work stream area of air quality.>Full report
Substance Misuse Health Needs Assessment 2015- Executive SummaryHNA2015The Substance Misuse Health Needs Assessment (HNA) has been compiled using a variety of local and national data sets and information sources, to assess the prevalence of substance misuse within the county, and evaluate current specialist substance misuse service provision and recovery services. >Executive summary
Health Needs Assessment: Children and young peoples’ substance misuse and children and young people affected by the substance misuse of othersHNA2015This health needs assessment includes a refresh of the 2012 Health Needs Assessment data and information. It includes estimates of prevalence based on national and local data. It gives insight into the local specialist service provision for children and young people who use substances and for those children and young people who are affected by the substance misuse of others who are close to them.>Full report >Executive summary
Health Impact Assessment of domestic abuse services commissioned by Derbyshire County CouncilHIA2015A synthesis of evidence from population statistics, expert knowledge and published evidence, with key considerations for maximising health gains and mitigating negative health consequences in respect of the proposed recommissioning of domestic abuse services by Derbyshire County Council. >Full report
Summary of the Health Impact Assessment on Domestic Abuse 2015HIA2015This is a clear and straightforward summary of the 2015 Health Impact Assessment (HIA) on domestic abuse services provided by Derbyshire County Council, explaining the services and the evidence on health impacts. Recommendations are set out in the full HIA. >Full text
Health Impact Assessment of Derbyshire Children’s CentresHIA2015A synthesis of evidence from community profiling and community consultation, with key considerations for maximising health gains and mitigating negative health consequences in respect of the proposed reconfiguration of Children’s Centre provision by Derbyshire County Council. >Full report
State of Derbyshire Report 2015Report2015 This report reviews the position of Derbyshire County in regard to the various Outcomes Frameworks available for health and social care, and highlights where performance is significantly poorer than for England as a whole. >Full report
Deaths from suicide and undetermined injury in Derby and Derbyshire 2015 reportReport2015This short report provides information on deaths from suicide and undetermined injury in people living in Derby and Derbyshire >Full report
Access to Health Services for People with Learning Disabilities Report Report2015Report by Health Watch Derbyshire exploring access to health services for people with learning disabilities. > Full report
DPH Annual ReportReport2015The Derbyshire Director of Public Health's annual report 2015. >Full report
Derbyshire Emotional Health & Well-being Survey report 2015 Report2015 The aim of the 2015 Derbyshire emotional health and well-being survey was to provide insight into the experiences, behaviour and lives of young people currently in school year 8 (aged 12-13). >Full report
NHS Health Check HEA - Report 1: Equity ProfileHEA2015This is a HEA of the NHS health check programme in Derbyshire County
Derby and Derbyshire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2015Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment2015 > Full report
Assessing Needs and Assets in Glossop-2014HNA2014A partnership approach to collection and synthesis of evidence from key informant interviews, community profiling, asset/ service mapping and stakeholder consultation to inform health and wellbeing improvement in Glossop. >Full report
Domestic abuse and sexual violence in Derby and Derbyshire: health needs assessment-2014HNA2014>Full report
Glossop Alcohol and Drugs HNA- 2014HNA2014Health Needs Assessment looking at adults who misuse alcohol and drugs in the Glossopdale area of Derbyshire. >Full report
A Health Equity Audit of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapy (IAPT) services in DerbyshireHEA2014The aim of this Health Equity Audit (HEA) is to determine the equity of access to, and outcome from, the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services in Derbyshire.>Full report >Executive summary
Derbyshire Joint Dementia StrategyReport2014>Full report
State of Derbyshire Report- Addendum: Children and Young People's Health Benchmarking Tool Report2014>Full report
State of Derbyshire ReportReport2014This report reviews the position of Derbyshire County in regard to the various Outcomes Frameworks available for health and social care, and highlights where performance is significantly poorer than for England as a whole.>Full report >Executive summary
Derbyshire Sexual Health Strategic Framework 2013-18Strategy2014Strategic Framework Strategy for Derbyshire's Sexual health >Full report
Health Needs Assessment of the Black and Minority Ethnic population within Derbyshire- 2013HNA2013>Full report
Learning Disabilities: Needs Assessment for Derbyshire 2013HNA2013This report aims to examine the available data regarding the learning disabled population in Derbyshire County and Derby City in order to identify particular areas of need. This document will also highlight where further information would be useful in understanding the needs and experiences of this population and will make recommendations for future work. >Full report
Easy Read Learning Disabilities: Needs Assessment for Derbyshire HNA2013This easy read report aims to examine the available data regarding the learning disabled population in Derbyshire County and Derby City in order to identify particular areas of need. These document will also highlight where further information would be useful in understanding the needs and experiences of this population and will make recommendations for future work. >Derbyshire >Derby
Sexual Health: Derby City and Derbyshire County Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2013HNA2013A Health Needs Assessment for Derby City and Derbyshire County Sexual Health. >Full report
Derbyshire HS2 Health Impact AssessmentHIA2013A synthesis of evidence from community profiling, review of the literature and community consultation, with recommendations to HS2 Ltd. for maximising health gains and mitigating negative health consequences in respect of the high-speed rail development proposal HS2 Phase 2 initial preferred route in Eastern Derbyshire. >Full report >Executive summary
Care Homes - A Literature Review 2013Evidence Review2013This 2013 review aimed to identify if disease prevalence within care homes is higher than the general elderly population. > Full report
Eating Disorders: A Health Needs Assessment and Service Review for Children and Young People in Derbyshire County and Derby City 2012 HNA2012 Health Needs Assessment for NHS Derby CIty and NHS Derbyshire County for Eating Disorders, including incidence and prevalence, local services and recommendations to commissioners and providers. >Full report
Alcohol: Access to the Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service: a Health Equity Assessment 2011HNA2011In Derbyshire a county-wide alcohol service is provided by the Derbyshire Alcohol Advice Service. This project aimed to assess equity of access to the service and to explore variations in referrals from primary care. >Full report
Autism: Derbyshire Health and Social Care Needs Assessment for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder 2011HNA2011This document aims to identify the health and social care needs of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Derbyshire, identify if the services match need and to assist the decision making process of commissioning managers. >Full report
Eating Disorders: A Health Needs Assessment for Derbyshire County and Derby City 2011HNA2011Health Needs Assessment for NHS Derby CIty and NHS Derbyshire County for Eating Disorders, including incidence and prevalence, local services and recommendations to commissioners and providers. >Full report
Mental Health: Derbyshire Mental Health Needs Assessment 2011HNA2011>Full report
Offender Health: Health Needs Assessment for CARATS and accredited drug treatment programmes in Derbyshire prisons 2011 HNA2011Health needs assessment for CARAT services (Counselling, Assessment, Referral, Advice and Throughcare) and accredited drug treatment programmes in the two Derbyshire prisons Foston Hall and Sudbury.>Full report
Rural Health: Health Needs Assessment of the Farming Community in Derbyshire 2011HNA2011Health Needs Assessment of the Farming Community in Derbyshire. Looking at the issues of health status of and use of health services by the farming community, and levels of income as a measure of financial hardship. >Full report
Planning Control: Health Impact Assessment: Hartington Cheese Factory site 2011HIA2011>Full report
Drug Misuse: Derbyshire County Needle and Syringe Programme: Preliminary Health Needs Assessment 2010HNA2010This paper aims to provide a preliminary overview by assessing levels of current Needle and Syringe Programme service provision in Derbyshire and comparing with estimated need. Current NSP service models are described and recommendations made for further development. >Full report
Dementia: Derbyshire's Health Equity Audit 2010HEA2010This health equity audit is intended to support the commissioning process of new dementia services to ensure equity of service is addressed. >Full report
Care Homes - A Literature Review 2010Evidence Review2010This review aimed to identify if disease prevalence within care homes is higher than the general elderly population. > Full report